We have several ways to make an appointment with Social Security, either by phone or online.
Due to the current state of the COVID-19, appointments may be delayed for several months.
How to make an appointment with Social Security by phone
To make an appointment by phone with the INSS, we must call 901106570 and a radiolocation system will guide us after asking for our personal data.
When we make the call and to manage our appointment more quickly, the system will ask us the reason for requesting an appointment and will give us four possible options:
- Key 1: Digital certificate or permanent key.
- Key 2: Appointment to submit Pension applications.
- Key 3: Appointment to present applications not related to the Minimum Vital Income.
- Key 4: Appointment to submit a Minimum Life Income application
Make an appointment with the INSS online
The Social Security Electronic Headquarters has several methods that help us to make instant appointments. It is advisable to have an electronic ID or Digital Certificate ,but if we do not have these authentication systems, the Social Security
gives us the option of requesting an appointment without a certificate.
Below we show you step by step how to request an appointment with the INSS.
Enter the Electronic Headquarters of the Social Security HERE
Within the SEDE we will have to select the option that best suits our procedure. An important message will appear informing us that, due to the current state, the number of appointments per day has been reduced and that we recommend carrying out any type of procedure telematically.
Now select how you want to get your appointment (with electronic certificate, username + password or without certificate) For this guide we will use the option without digital certificate.
In the next window we will have to fill in our personal data. Once filled in, click on continue.
They will then ask us why we want to make an appointment. We have these options:
- Application for Pensions
- Request other Benefits (other than MVI)
- Application for Minimum Life Income
- Digital Certificate or Permanent Key
- Ask for telephone attention
Now it’s our turn to choose the day and time. It may be that for a certain service there are no previous appointments, so you will have to wait.
After confirming the process we will obtain a password that we will have to write down both for the day we go to the INSS offices and to cancel our previous appointment.
If we have obtained an appointment and for any reason we cannot go to the Social Security office, the Social Security electronic office gives us an option to cancel it. To do this, follow these steps to correctly cancel a previous appointment at Social Security.
Click on the option “Consult/remove previous appointments” (“Consultar/ eliminar citas previas”.)
Click on the option you want to identify yourself with. For this guide we will use the option without certificate.
Now we must fill in: our DNI, NIF or NIE, the appointment’s locator code (the number we mentioned before) and answer the security question.
There, you’ve managed to cancel your appointment and not saturate the Social Security dating system.
Text from https://www.noticiastrabajo.es/cita-previa-seguridad-social-inss
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