The Generalitat de Catalunya has announced the main changes that will be applied to the measures to contain COVID-19 from 9 May, coinciding with the end of the state of alarm:
End of curfew. It will be possible to circulate in the streets at night.
Free movement between autonomous communities.
Bars and restaurants will be able to open continuously until 23.00 hours (maintaining the capacity and security measures in force).
Shops and shopping centers may be open until 22.00 hours.
Cultural, sports, and leisure activities
The opening hours of cultural and sports facilities are extended to 23.00 hours.
Amusement parks and fairs may return to activity with a capacity of 30%.
Civic facilities
The capacity of civic centres is increased to 50 % provided that good ventilation is ensured.
Social gatherings with a maximum of six people.
50% capacity for religious events and civil ceremonies.
Resum dels principals canvis en les mesures per a la contenció de la #COVID19 que entraran en vigor a partir del pròxim diumenge, 9 de maig de 2021
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— Protecció civil (@emergenciescat) May 7, 2021